An ever-transforming urban infrastructure programmed for the East Boston architectural fabric. The Interlink housing project in East Boston, located on The Greenway Park, deconstructs the urban hardscape and the minimal greenspace in an effort to merge and interlock both vastly different conditions. Using the East Boston typical three-story townhouse as a module to understand the constraints and urban framework of the surrounding neighborhoods. Then scaling different elements of the project within the east Boston constraints depending on the element's relevance to the site or the hierarchy in the project. As east Boston Increases in population flood risk and the need for social infrastructure, Interlink redevelops the module guidelines fabric and scales qualities accordingly. Starting with the Constructs and blueprint of the pre-existing East Boston site and decreasing and increasing in scale depending on the hierarchy to create a structure that meshes the world of hardscape and greenspace


 2022 - YEAR III


275000 sqft

The Interlink housing system addresses all external elements within its design. The project pulls the landscape of the greenway to the street in front of the East Boston neighborhood. The project also elevated in elevation through landscaped blocks to ensure the structure’s longevity after rising water levels and flooding. The project also embraces lighting by optimizing the amount of daylight in the site, reaching both interior and exterior space.

Copper cladding is organized in a running brick pattern best suits the Interlink Housing system. The copper is a modest take on the heavily used brown and red brick in the surrounding context. The Copper also finds a way to blend itself into East Boston while establishing its contemporary architecture. The copper also oxidizes over time, allowing the structure to change and transform as the East Boston neighborhood develops. With the introduction to new material palettes in Boston, future developments will be a variety of expressions, and in due time the Interlink will be as well.

The conceptual collages depict a scene of atmosphere, captivated by the project’s many elements. The collages compose an ideology of structured modularity whether through architectural massing or landscape to emphasize the initial direction of the project. These collages were used extensively through the design phase to insure the atmosphere remain consistent throughout iterations.

This diagram illustrates the hierarchy of scaled elements within Interlink. As depicted one can understand the multitude of subdivisions internally happening in the plan architecturally. Starting with a 20x20 grid influenced by the module of east Boston, The common three-story townhouse. then filtering further to a 10x10 grid indicating room organization. this grid determines the public and private spaces within each unit. scaling down again to a 5x5 grid that determines the poche space to habitual living space. this grid guides the decision on where unit programs such as bathrooms and closets are oriented compared to kitchens and living spaces. Finally subdividing down to 2.5x2.5 were furnishings are aligned and room layouts are organized.

The Interlink system allows the building to expand and contract atop its East Boston site. The way the infrastructure has been designed, This building can live on any east Boston parcel, transforming and adapting to the site’s specific conditions. The system is a walking city that changes with time, weather, place, and program usage. A fully mobile and modular experience that deconstructs and reconstructs its urban fabric.

Research & Iterations

Work Experience


Woodland Circuit